
Smooth animation between states with transitions

Movements aid in establishing a seamless animation between varied conditions of an element. A user can personalize the duration and easing style to craft a distinctive shift. A prevalent scenario is to generate a polished alteration for hover conditions on elements to ensure a gradual change upon hovering.

Within this lecture:

  1. Design the hover condition of a button
  2. Create a transition to refine the animation when hovered

Design the hover condition of a button

  1. Choose a button
  2. Include a box shadow and refine it to achieve the desired appearance
  3. Navigate to the hover condition
  4. Elevate the depth of the shadow and its distance
  5. Revert to the none status

Create a transition to refine the animation when hovered

  1. Integrate a transition and select Box shadow from the Property dropdown
  2. Add a duration of 500ms
  3. Maintain the current easing
  4. Upon hovering over the button, witness a smooth shift in shadow intensity and distance
Step one on the left, click on the plus icon in the Transitions effect row. Step two on the right, select the Box Shadow property from the background section in the property dropdown menu.
Step three, change Duration to 500 MS.
A blue button with text "Contact us!" is displayed twice. On the left, the button is in its normal state. On the right, the button is in its hover state with a box shadow behind it.h

Uncover further insights on movements and other impacts.

Ewan Mak
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