Promote your website on Created in Webflow

Showcase your site to make it visible in your public profile and to everyone using Made in Webflow.

You have the opportunity to display any of your remarkable websites on your designer profile for global visibility. The sites created within your workspace can be featured either on your personal designer profile or the workspace designer profile, as well as on Created in Webflow. Explore more about Created in Webflow publishing permissions for Workspaces.

Please Note: A subscription plan (Site plan or Workspace plan) is necessary to exhibit your website on Created in Webflow.

Within this tutorial, you will learn:

  1. How to highlight your website on Created in Webflow
  2. How to establish your website’s presence on Created in Webflow
  3. How to withdraw your website from Created in Webflow

Method to present your website on Created in Webflow

Process to feature a website from your Workspace

If you are the owner of or a member associated with any Workspaces, you can showcase any of the websites within them. To feature a website:

  1. Access your Website settings‍ > General tab
  2. Scroll down to the Display website segment
  3. Switch the toggle to “turned on
  4. Configure the presence of your website on Created in Webflow
Kindly Note: Before you showcase a website on Created in Webflow, ensure that your personal or Workspace designer profile is set to public visibility. Find out more information about designer profiles.

Manner to feature a website where you’re mentioned in Designer Credentials

If you aim to demonstrate a website where you’ve been identified in Designer Credentials, make sure to log in with the profile that was acknowledged in the website’s Designer Credentials. Subsequently, you can:

  1. Visit Created in Webflow
  2. Press “Highlight your website”
  3. Establish the presence of your website on Created in Webflow

Method to set up your website’s presence on Created in Webflow

Complete the particulars of your website:

  1. Determine whether you wish to choose the website From Workspaces or From Designer Credentials
  2. Select the desired website to include in Created in Webflow
  3. Designate the profile in which you desire to publish the website in the Select profile dropdown
  4. Give the featured website a Title
  5. Include a Description
  6. Attach Tags to aid users in discovering your website (e.g., “minimal,” “colorful,” “animation,” etc.)
  7. Upload your preferred website thumbnail to the Thumbnail image section image
Kindly Note: Ensure to review the note and tip under the Thumbnail Image section to upload a compatible image. Thumbnail images should be JPEG, PNG, or a static GIF with a resolution of 540 x 360 pixels. Animated GIFs are not supported.
Kindly Note: Any displayed website on Created in Webflow must be published to the subdomain. Unpublishing your website will automatically remove it from Created in Webflow. If you’re showcasing a website in which you’re mentioned within the Designer Credentials, you might need to request the website owner to publish it to the subdomain.

Authorization to Publish on Created in Webflow

Only members of a Workspace holding specific publishing permissions can feature a website on Created in Webflow.

Workspace-level publishing permissions for Created in Webflow

These permissions at the Workspace level are accessible solely on the Core, Growth, and Enterprise Workspace plans. Learn more about Workspace-level permissions.

  • Workspace Owner role — is entitled to publish a website to their personal designer profile or Workspace Designer profile
  • Workspace Admin role — can publish a website to the Workspace designer profile
  • Workspace Member with either a Site admin role or a Can design role with Can publish enabled — can publish a website to the Workspace Designer profile

Website-level publishing permissions for Created in Webflow

These permissions at the website level are accessible solely on the Growth and Enterprise Workspace plans. Find out more about Website-level permissions.

  • Site admin role — is permitted to update, delete, and publish a website to the Workspace designer profile
  • Can design role with Can publish enabled — can update, delete, and publish a website to the Workspace designer profile
  • Can design role with Can publish disabled — lacks permissions to update, delete, or publish a website on Created in Webflow
  • Can design (limited) — lacks permissions to update, delete, or publish a website on Created in Webflow

Publishing Permissions for Designer Credentials

When presenting a website where you’ve been identified in Designer Credentials, the following publishing permissions are relevant.

Exclusive to showcasing a website where either:

  • Your personal designer profile is recognized
  • Any Workspace of which you’re an administrator, owner, or member is acknowledged

In addition, it is only possible to feature a website to the profile acknowledged in the Designer Credentials (i.e., either your personal designer profile or the Workspace designer profile for a Workspace in which you’re an administrator, owner, or member).

Activate website replication

If you’ve crafted a splendid website or appealing UI layouts that you wish to share with fellow designers, you can activate Allow others to clone this site. Be aware that you cannot make a site cloneable if you’re showcasing a website where you’re acknowledged in the Designer Credentials. Find out more about cloneable websites.

Once you’ve configured all the display settings, press Highlight your website.

Your website’s Created in Webflow page

Subsequent to presenting your website, you’ll be redirected to your website’s Created in Webflow page.

Guidelines to access and modify your website’s Created in Webflow listing

You can access your website’s Created in Webflow listing from the designer profile from which you shared it (personal or Workspace designer profile) or by copying the link to your website’s Created in Webflow page.

You can modify your website’s Created in Webflow listing in 2 ways:

  • Visit Website settings > General tab > Feature website and then click Edit public page
  • Press Edit website in the upper right corner of your website’s Created in Webflow page (this method is necessary if you’re mentioned in the website’s Designer Credentials)

Method to transfer a Created in Webflow site between your profiles

At any moment, you are allowed to modify which designer profile (personal or Workspace) your website is presented to. Please note that your designer profile must be set to public visibility before you can exhibit websites on it.

To switch a website between designer profiles when the website resides within one of your Workspaces:

  1. Access Website settings > General tab > Feature website
  2. Click Edit public page
  3. Adjust the designer profile you intend to publish the website to in the Select profile dropdown
  4. Press Save changes

To switch a website between designer profiles when you’re mentioned in the website’s Designer Credentials:

  1. Visit your website’s Created in Webflow page
  2. Press “Edit”
  3. Adjust the designer profile you wish to publish the website to in the Select profile dropdown
  4. Press Save changes

Please Note: When using the Select profile dropdown to change the designer profile your website is presented to, all associated metadata (such as likes, clones, and views) of that website remain intact. However, if you select Remove website, the website will be unpublished from Created in Webflow, and its metadata will be cleared.

Method to retract your website from Created in Webflow

Retracting your website from Created in Webflow will also remove it from your designer profile page(s). This indicates that users will not be able to view, like, or replicate the website. You have the liberty to add it to Created in Webflow again at any time.

To eliminate a website from Created in Webflow when the website resides within one of your Workspaces:

  1. Access Website settings > General
  2. Scroll to Feature website
  3. Switch the toggle to “turned off

To eliminate a website from Created in Webflow when you’re mentioned in the website’s Designer Credentials:

  1. Visit your website’s Created in Webflow page
  2. Press Edit
  3. Press Remove website

Expert Advice

You can feature your top pages or layouts from a website or multiple websites on Created in Webflow.

  1. Create a new website
  2. ‍Replicate your finest work from your various sites into the new website
  3. Include the website showcasing “The best of” your work on Created in Webflow
Ewan Mak
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