Reduce or terminate your Site subscription

Learn how to downgrade or cancel your Site plan.

You have the option to diminish your Site subscription whenever necessary according to your site’s needs.

This lesson will cover:

  1. Steps to get ready for reducing your Site subscription
  2. Outcomes of downgrading a Site subscription
  3. Process of switching to a lower-cost Site subscription
  4. Process to switch to a free Starter Site subscription

Steps to prepare for reducing your Site subscription

Depending on your current site configuration or if you are using an Ecommerce Site subscription, you may need to get your site ready before reducing your Site subscription.

Preparing to acquire a Basic Site subscription

The Basic Site subscription is not supported for sites utilizing CMS features or having content editors. If you wish to acquire a Basic Site subscription while your current design includes CMS Collections or content editors: 

  1. Eliminate all CMS features from your design
  2. Visit Site settings > Site access > Editor access
  3. Remove all content editors  

Upon removing all CMS features, you will be able to purchase the Basic Site subscription.

Preparing to acquire a non-Ecommerce Site subscription

If you are looking to downgrade from an Ecommerce Site subscription to a non-Ecommerce Site subscription and no longer require an operational Ecommerce store, you will need to disable the checkout feature:

  1. Access the Designer > SettingsEcommerce > Checkout
  2. Deactivate the checkout using the toggle
  3. Save

After deactivating the checkout, non-Ecommerce Site subscriptions will be available for purchase. You can navigate to Site settings > Plans > Website tab to purchase a non-Ecommerce Site subscription.

Outcomes of downgrading a Site subscription

Several features are impacted by downgrading or terminating a Site subscription:

  • Fixed pages
  • Personalized code
  • Grouped items and Ecommerce merchandise

Fixed pages

If you reduce to a Starter site subscription and have over two fixed pages, all your static pages will be preserved, but you will only have editing access to the initial two static pages on your site. The rest of the static pages will be locked, preventing you from adding more.

If you upgrade to a paid Site subscription later on, you will regain the ability to access and edit the static pages.

Personalized code

Note: Diminishing a Site subscription will not impact personalized code if the site is associated with a Workspace under a paid Workspace plan.

If you reduce to a Starter site subscription from a paid Site subscription that allows personalized code, any custom code integrated into the site (via Site settings, Page settings, or embed elements) will remain intact and visible on your site once published. Embed elements will still be visible in the Designer. However, you will not be able to view or modify any customized code.

If you upgrade to a paid Site subscription in the future, you will once again be able to access and edit the personalized code.

Grouped items and Ecommerce merchandise

When you reduce your site to a lower-cost or free Starter Site subscription from a paid Site subscription that supports increased grouped items or Ecommerce merchandise, you will still retain the ability to modify all your grouped items and Ecommerce merchandise, but you will not be able to add more. All existing grouped items and Ecommerce merchandise will persist on your site upon publishing.

If you return to a paid Site subscription later on, you will regain the ability to add more grouped items and Ecommerce merchandise.

Process to switch to a lower-cost Site subscription

To switch your Site subscription to a lower-cost plan:

  1. (Optional) Prepare for the subscription change
  2. Access Site settings > Plans > Website tab
  3. Toggle between Billed monthly or Billed yearly (opting for yearly pricing enables you to pay the full year in advance at a discounted rate, saving up to 22% compared to monthly payments)
  4. Switch to the desired paid Site subscription
  5. (Optional) Insert a promo code if available
  6. Press Pay now to proceed with the switch to the lower-cost plan (the total amount due will be specified on the Pay now button)
Note: When switching to a lower-cost Site subscription, the checkout modal window will display the prorated account credit corresponding to the unused period on the higher subscription plan. 

Process to switch to a free Starter Site subscription

Switching your paid Site subscription to a free Starter Site subscription (essentially canceling your paid Site subscription) will instantly remove your custom domains and unpublish your site from both its custom domains and your Webflow staging subdomain. Explore further details on what occurs after reducing a Site subscription.

Important: The switch to a free, Starter Site subscription occurs immediately, irrespective of any remaining duration in your paid Site subscription’s billing cycle. No credit is automatically issued for the unused period on a paid Site subscription that has been downgraded to a Starter Site subscription. Refer to details on proration and refunds.

To switch your Site subscription to a free Starter Site subscription:

  1. (Optional) Prepare for the subscription change
  2. Visit Site settings > Plans > Website tab
  3. Select Downgradeto Starter
  4. Select the reason for the switch and type DOWNGRADE for confirmation (DOWNGRADE must be typed in uppercase)
  5. Click Downgrade Site subscription to instantly unpublish your site

Important: The switch to a free Starter Site subscription will instantly remove your custom domains and unpublish your site from its custom domains and your Webflow staging subdomain. Refer to additional information on what occurs after a Site subscription is reduced.

Ewan Mak
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