Unique component

Use the custom element to add custom HTML attributes and tags to your site.

The unique component acts as a substitute element where you can incorporate any custom HTML property, label, or content, thus “constructing” that element on the canvas. This proves beneficial for integrating HTML components into the canvas that are not included as default Webflow elements.

Distinct components can be found in the Insertion panel > Advanced category. Upon insertion of the individual element onto your canvas, you can access the Element modification panel and append labels, properties, and content to tailor it to your requirements. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to design unique components similar to other elements through the Design panel.

Remarkable components are distinguished by a “sliced box” icon in the Navigator.

Pro advice: By incorporating a custom element into a Grouping array or a module, you can subsequently link the distinct element to CMS sections, personalized attributes, labels, and content.
Observation: Custom elements can also be established and integrated into your website using Programs. 

Should an exclusive element be deemed inappropriate, it has the potential to hinder the successful publication of your site. We advocate verifying the HTML composition to confirm the validity of the unique component, rectifying any flaws, and then republishing your site.

Ewan Mak
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